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Getting Kids & Their Devices Ready For Back To School In Warsaw


Headshot of Lyle Schrock, owner of The Lab Posted by: Lyle Schrock 3 years ago

We’re starting a new video series at The Lab! We hope to have new video content to regularly share our tips and experiences that can make owning and taking care of your electronics easier.

Protecting Chromebooks

Chromebooks can be a challenge to protect as your child will likely move them around more than a traditional tablet. If you want a basic all-in-one screen protector for your child’s Chromebook, look for an anti-glare matte screen protector film.

CaseBuy, Belkin, and iLLumiShield all have screen protectors that work well with Chromebooks. We also have screen protector options that work for Chromebooks (and all school devices) that we custom cut for you at The Lab!

It’s the same type of screen protector you’d use on your smartphone. This can help protect the Chromebook’s touchscreen and help reduce light emissions to manage eye strain and fatigue.

Protecting iPads

If your child attends school in our local Warsaw school district, they likely have an iPad. Once they hit 5th grade they’re able to bring those iPads home more often with them. So the risk of the iPad being damaged increases.

Most schools offer a protection/insurance plan for your child’s school iPad, but we want to highlight a few things you can do to help keep your child’s iPad working all year.

Two elementary-aged boys sitting in a classroom sharing a touch screen tablet

Most schools also have a case that comes with the iPad, but not a glass protector. We would definitely recommend picking up one of those to help protect the iPad’s screen.

If you aren’t sure which type of screen protector is the best choice for your child’s Chromebook or iPad, stop in and see us for a recommendation!

Charging Cables

It’s also vital to make sure you purchase the right type of charging cable for your child’s school tablet. The block voltage does matter and if you’re using an Apple device (like your child’s school iPad), be sure to use an Apple-certified charging cord.

Using the wrong type of cord can result in burning out the charging cord and even damage the tablet or iPad itself.

Everyday Device Usage Recommendations

Along with those basics, we do have a few things we recommend to keep your electronic devices protected and ensure they last.

Repair Is Almost Always Worth It

When it comes to sustainability, repairing your device instead of purchasing a new one is almost always the best option.

This matters a lot to us as we’ve seen that you can reduce your carbon footprint by about 70% if you keep your device twice as long as you typically would.

For most devices, that’s easy to do with just a little bit of maintenance. If you want to learn more about how to make your phone last longer, click below.

The Lab Is Here To Help

Along with repairing your devices, we’re here to help with recommendations. There’s a lot of information out there and trying to wade through it all and figure out what would work best for you can be overwhelming.

Our expert technicians at The Lab are always available to help by sharing our insight and share what we’ve seen work (and fail) in our years of working with electronic devices.

The Lab is located in the heart of downtown Warsaw at 120 E. Center Street, Suite A

We’re open until 5pm Monday-Friday and until 2pm on Saturdays. 

We love walk-ins and our certified repair technicians are always here to help, so bring in your phone or tablet the next time you’re downtown!